Em Triolo
M.Eng., Ph.D.
A Bit About Me
I am a research scientist in the field of medical imaging, working for KurtLab at the University of Washington. I recently earned my Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Washington in 2024. My current research is developing MR-compatible devices and signal processing for diagnostic purposes and determining the mechanical properties of the human brain in-vivo. I also earned my M.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering, specializing in Medical Device Engineering, from Stevens Institute of Technology and my B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from The College of New Jersey. My undergraduate research was in assistive devices. My independent research project was developing and testing a five-fingered 3-D printed gip and pinch force augmenting exoskeleton for the human hand.
August 2024 - Present
August 2019 - August 2024
January 2021 - Present
June 2017 - May 2019
September 2018 - May 2019
August 2016 - May 2019
September 2017 - May 2019
September 2016 - May 2019
Research Scientist- Department of Mechanical Engineering
KurtLab, University of Washington
Ph.D. Student Researcher-Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Washington (Jan. 2022 - Aug. 2024)
Stevens Institute of Technology (Aug. 2019 - Dec. 2021)
Doctoral researcher in Dr. Mehmet Kurt’s lab developing MR compatible devices and post-processing pipelines for performing MR elastography of the brain at 7T and 3T MRI to model the human brain and develop diagnostic techniques for neurological disorders.
Responsibilities: collecting and curating brain MRI datasets, developing and training others in in MRI protocols, image analysis, and post-processing (MATLAB, Freesurfer, SPM, FSL), operating 3T Siemens Prisma MRI scanner for human and phantom studies, writing IRBs for human imaging studies, maintenance, training, and printing jobs for 3-D printers, maintaining data backups, scientific paper writing, research grant writing, presenting, setting up jobs and performing simulations on UW’s HPC environment, building computational workflows and SOPs
Transferred with Dr. Kurt from Stevens Institute of Technology to the University of Washington in Jan 2022 to continue work in the same lab and on the same projects.
Doctoral Student Research Volunteer (Visiting Scientist) - BMEII, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital
Student Research Volunteer in Dr. Priti Balchandani’s laboratory assisting with 7T MRI clinical research involving healthy aging, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer’s Disease. Responsibilities include installation and validation of MR Elastography actuator and custom sequences, acting as research assistant during human MRI scans at 3T and 7T, and running solo phantom studies at 3T and 7T.
Undergraduate Student Researcher - Department of Biomedical Engineering
Mentored Undergraduate Summer Experience (June-July 2017 & 2018)
Independent Research Track (Aug. 2017 - May 2019)
Undergraduate student researcher in Dr. Brett BuSha's bioinstrumentation laboratory on a project developing, strength testing, and human testing a powered, 3-D printed orthotic exoskeleton for the human hand to augment grip and pinch strength.
Reviewing previous literature (student records and peer reviewed articles)
Editing and creating CAD files for rapid prototyping
Coding and troubleshooting Arduino
Circuitry design, bread boarding, crimping connections, and soldering
Strength testing robotic exoskeleton
Running IRB approved human trials and collecting human testing data (grip force and electromyography) using BioPac systems
Data/statistical analysis and presentation
Drafting and submitting Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC) full paper (accepted for publication in conference proceedings and poster presentation, EMBC 2018)
Poster drafting and design
Assistant Lab Tech - TCNJ, School of Engineering
Assistant to the lab tech for the School of Engineering.
Responsibilities include assisting in machine shop and 3-D printing lab maintenance, organizing and reporting laboratory inventory, school of engineering paperwork, setting up classrooms and meetings, and moving equipment between engineering buildings.
Peer Tutor - TCNJ, Tutoring Center
Tutored individuals or groups in mechanics, biomechanics, physiological systems, biomedical engineering fundamentals, circuit analysis, physics 1 and 2, calculus 1 and 3, and computer science
Laboratory Supervisor - TCNJ, School of Engineering
Shift supervisor for engineering building labs after-hours.
Responsibilities include supervising students using labs, other student workers on shift, cleaning and closing labs and classrooms when buildings close
Team Engineering - TCNJ, School of Engineering
Gives tours of the engineering facilities to prospective students, parents, and alumni.
Talks to prospective students and their parents during open houses and accepted students days
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering
University of Washington
Thesis Title: Development of Advanced MR Elastography Techniques for Biomechanical Assessment of Neurodegeneration
August 2024
M.Eng. Mechanical Engineering
Stevens Institute of Technology
Masters Concentration: Medical Device Engineering
GPA: 4.0
May 2021
B.S. Biomedical Engineering
The College of New Jersey
Degree Tracks: Research Track, Honors Program
GPA: 3.85, Major Valedictorian
May 2019
Honors & Awards
2024 - SB3C PhD Paper Competition – Runner Up
2020 & 2021 - Robert Crooks Stanley Fellowship
2021 & 2022 - SB3C Diversity Participation Award
2021 - NSF GRFP Honorable Mention
2019-2021 - Stevens Institute of Technology Provost Fellowship
2019 - Fred O. Armstrong Scholar - Biomedical Engineering
2015-2019 - TCNJ Academic Scholarship
2018 - Conrad and Melita Johnson Scholarship Endowment Fund
2018 - Tau Beta Pi Scholarship
2018 - NASA New Jersey Space Grant Consortium Research Stipend
2015 - Freshman Engineering Fund Scholarship
Guest Lectures & Invited Presentations
Intro to Biomechanics, University of Notre Dame (October 2023)
I was invited to speak as a guest lecturer by Dr. Maria Holland (Assistant Professor, University of Notre Dame) to present my research on MRI and applications in tissue mechanics and viscoelasticity. This lecture was a 50-minute seminar titled “Development of Advanced MR Elastography Techniques for Biomechanical Assessment of Neurodegeneration”.
Biomechanical Imaging: Principles and Methods, University of Washington (November 2023)
I was invited to teach a class and give a demonstration about how to read and analyze MR Elastography data. The lecture and demonstration were 1.5 hours and was titled “MR Elastography and NeuroImage Processing”. The presentation detailed how MRE works as a sequence, what MRI scanners output, different MRI data formats, how the steps for processing an MRE dataset, noise metrics, segmentation, co-registration, and masking in neuroimaging. This lecture included four demos: processing an MRE dataset, calculating signal-to-noise, using FreeSurfer for segmentation, and using SPM for co-registration of different imaging types.
Journal Publications
[J1] E. Triolo, O. Khegai, M. McGarry, T. Lam, J. Veraart, A. Alipour, P. Balchandani, M. Kurt. “Characterizing brain mechanics through 7 Tesla magnetic resonance elastography,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6560/ad7fc9
[J2] E. Triolo, W. Meinhold, E. Ozkaya, J. Ueda, M. Kurt, “Magnetic Resonance Elastography. For Mechanical Modeling of the Human Lumbar Intervertebral Disc,” Proceedings of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, 2024, Full Contributed Paper
[J3] W. Meinhold, E. Ozkaya, D. Petti, V. Rice, E. Triolo, F. Rezayaraghi, P. Kennedy, L. Fleysher, A. Hu, J. Ueda, M. Kurt. "Towards Image Guided Magnetic Resonance Elastography via Active Driver Positioning Robot," in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 69(11), 2022. doi: 10.1109/TBME.2022.3168494.
[J4] Emily Triolo, Oleksandr Khegai, Efe Ozkaya, Nicholas Rossi, Akbar Alipour, Lazar Fleysher, Priti Balchandani, Mehmet Kurt. “Design, Construction, and Implementation of an MR Elastography Actuator” Current Protocols, 2(3), 2022. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpz1.379
[J5] Emily R. Triolo, Brett F. BuSha “Design and Experimental Testing of a Force-Augmenting Exoskeleton for the Human Hand” Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 19(23), 2022.
[J6] E. Ozkaya, E. Triolo, F. Rezayaraghi, J. Abderezaei, W. Meinhold, K. Hong, A. Alipour, P. Kennedy, L. Fleysher, J. Ueda, P. Balchandani, M. Eriten, C. Johnson, Y. Yang, and M. Kurt. “Brain-Mimicking Phantom for Biomechanical Validation of Motion Sensitive MR Imaging Techniques” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Volume 122, 2021, 104680.
[J7] E.R. Triolo, M.H. Stella and B.F. BuSha, “A force augmenting exoskeleton for the human hand designed for pinching and grasping,” Proceedings of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, 2018, Full Contributed Paper
Conference Papers & Abstracts
[C1] E. Triolo, M. Langan, O. Khegai, A. Diaz, S. Binder, T. Hedden, P. Balchandani, M. Kurt. “Relationship between brain stiffness, microstructural integrity, beta-amyloid accumulation and cognitive decline in beta-amyloid positive individuals,” AAIC 2024, July 28 – Aug 1 2024, Poster
[C2] E. Triolo, M. Langan, O. Khegai, S. Binder, T. Hedden, P. Balchandani, M. Kurt, “Cross-Correlation of Biomechanical, Connectomic, and Pathelogic Markers in Neurodegeneration at 7T MRI,” SB3C 2024, June 11-14 2024, Lake Geneva, WI, USA. PhD Paper Competition – Runner Up
[C3] E. Triolo, M. Langan, O. Khegai, S. Binder, T. Hedden, P. Balchandani, M. Kurt, “A Multi-Modal Biomechanical Imaging and Analysis Framework for Co-Correlation of 7T MR Elastography, 7T DTI, and Amyloid Deposition,” 2024 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, May 4-9 2024, Singapore. Power Pitch & MRE Study Session Young Investigator Abstract Award
[C4] E. Triolo, O. Khegai, A. Frankini, M. McGarry, P. Balchandani, M. Kurt, “Determining the Relationship between DTI and MR Elastography Metrics in Highly Anisotropic White Matter Structures at 7T,” 2024 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, May 4-9 2024, Singapore. Digital Poster
[C5] C. Neher, E. Triolo, M. Kurt, “Regional Correlation of Stiffness and Perfusion in the Human Brain at 7T MRI through MR Elastography and Arterial Spin Labeling Techniques,” 2024 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, May 4-9 2024, Singapore. Digital Poster
[C6] E. Triolo, M. Langan, O. Khegai, A. Diaz, S. Binder, T. Hedden, P. Balchandani, M. Kurt. “Relationship between brain stiffness, microstructural integrity, beta-amyloid accumulation and cognitive decline in beta-amyloid positive individuals,” BMEII Symposium 2024, Podium Presentation
[C7] C. Neher, K. Green, E. Triolo, M. Kurt, “Voxelwise Correlation of Magnetic Resonance Elastography and Arterial Spin Labeled Imaging Signals in the Human Brain,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting 2023, October 11-14, Seattle, WA, USA. Podium Presentation
[C8] E. Triolo, O. Khegai, A. Alipour, P. Balchandani, M. Kurt, “Multifrequency Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) of the Human Brain at 7T,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting 2023, October 11-14, Seattle, WA, USA. Podium Presentation
[C9] E. R. Triolo, M. Langan, O. Khegai, A. Alipour, C. Ferreira-Atuesta, A. Pionteck, J. Sutkowsky, T. Hedden, P. Balchandani, and M. Kurt, “A Biomechanical Analysis Framework for Co-Correlation of 7T MR Elastography Measures and Amyloid Beta Deposition,” Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ISMRT, 2023, 2023, Digital Poster
[C10] E. Triolo, M. Eritrean, C. Johnson, M. Kurt, “Utilizing MR Elastography to Visualize Higher Harmonic Components of Wave Propagation in Phantoms with Interfaces”, 2023 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, June 03-08 2023, Toronto, ON, Canada. Digital Poster
[C11] Mackenzie Langan , Em Rose Triolo, Oleksandr Khegai, Carolina Ferreira-Atuesta, Jonathan Sutkowski, Trey Hedden, Mehmet Kurt and Priti Balchandani, “Identifying multimodal imaging biomarkers: a framework exploring association of β-Amyloid Accumulation and Microstructural integrity at 7T”, 2023 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, June 03-08 2023, Toronto, ON, Canada. Digital Poster
[C12] E. Triolo, O. Khegai, A. Alipour, T. Hedden, P. Balchandani, M. Kurt, “High Resolution MR Elastography of the Human Brain: Technical Development And Applications In Aging And Alzheimer’s Disease,” 11th Annual BioMedical Engineering and Imaging Institute Symposium, 2023, April 20-21, NYC, New York, USA, Poster and Innovation Station Exhibit
[C13] E. R. Triolo, O. Khegai, A. Alipour, T. Hedden, P. Balchandani, and M. Kurt, “High Resolution MR Elastography of the Human Brain: Technical Development and Applications in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease,” Proceedings of SB3C, 2023, Podium Presentation
[C14] E. R. Triolo, O. Khegai, J. Veraart, A. Alipour, P. Balchandani, and M. Kurt, “How Signal-To-Noise Ratio Impacts the Apparent Stiffness Of Brain Tissue In MR Elastography At 7T,” Proceedings of SB3C, 2022, Poster
[C15] E.R. Triolo†, O. Khegai†, J. Veraart, A. Alipour, T. Hedden, M. Kurt*, P. Balchandani*, “Parameter Optimization for High-Resolution MR Elastography of the Human Brain at 7T,” Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, 2022, ePoster & MRE Study Group Invited Presentation (†co-first author, *co-last author)
[C16] E.R. Triolo, A. Alipour, O. Khegai, P. Balchandani, and M. Kurt, “Multifrequency Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) at 7T,” Proceedings of the 10th Annual BioMedical Engineering and Imaging Institute Symposium, 2022, Poster
[C17] E. R. Triolo, O. Khegai, A. Alipour, P. Kennedy, P. Balchandani, and M. Kurt, “Validation and Testing of 7T MR elastography sequence and stiffness reconstruction,” Proceedings of BMES Annual Meeting, 2021, Virtual Poster
[C18] E. Triolo, A. Pionteck, A. Alipour, O. Khegai, P. Kennedy, P. Balchandani, and M. Kurt. “Development and Validation of an Ultra-High Field Compatible MR Elastography Actuator”, Proceedings of SB3C, 2021, Virtual Podium Presentation
[C19] E. Ozkaya, W. Meinhold, D. Petti, E. Triolo, P. Kennedy, L. Fleysher, J. Ueda, M. Kurt, “Parallel Stage Mechanism Image Guided and Targeted MR Elastography”, Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C), June 14-18th 2021, Virtual.
[C20] E. Triolo, T. Detroux, J. Abderezaei, Y. Yang, M. Kurt, “Nonlinear Dynamics of a Brain-Mimicking Phantom Under MR Imaging”, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting, OCT 14-17th 2020, Virtual
[C21] T. Detroux and E. Triolo and J. Abderezaei and M. Kurt, “Numerical and experimental investigation of the nonlinear dynamics in the human brain”, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 16-19 2020, Virtual, Conference Proceedings
[C22] E. Ozkaya, V. Rice, N. Rossi, J. Abderezaei, E. Triolo, L. Fleysher, P. Kennedy, Y. Yang, M. Kurt “A Novel MRI Phantom Test Setup For Validation of Mechanical Imaging Techniques via Tissue Mimicking Phantoms”, Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C), July 17-20th 2020, Virtual
[C23] E.R. Triolo†, E. Ozkaya†, K. Hong, L. Fleysher, P. Kennedy, Y. Yang, and M. Kurt. “A novel MRI setup for validation of Amplified MRI via Intrinsic actuation of tissue-mimicking phantoms,” Proceedings of BioMedical Engineering and Imaging Institute Conference, 2020. (†co-first)
Technical Skills
MRI Scanner Operation
MRI Protocol Preparation
Image Processing
Signal Processing
MR Elastography
MR Phantom Fabrication
3-D Printing
3-D Modeling
Soldering & Breadboarding
Circuit design and analysis
Statics and strength of materials analysis
Making and pouring Agar
General Laboratory Techniques (ex. using lab equipment, sterile technique, etc.)
Gel Electrophoresis
Analysis/statistical analysis of raw and processed data
Software Skills
Experience with Arduino hardware and software
Biopac Systems and LabChart
ITK Snap
UW Supercomputer
Microsoft Applications: Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Publisher, etc.
Apple Applications: iMovie, iPhoto, etc.
Google Applications: Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Forms, etc.
Design: Photoshop, SketchBookExpress, Paint.net, GIMP
Mac OS
Windows PC OS
Experience with Linux
Experience with Mimics
Experience with C++ and Mathematica
Experience with ANSYS static structural analysis
Experience with PTC Creo
Other Skills
Scientific Writing
Report Writing
Grant Writing
IRB Writing and Coordination
Public Speaking
Presentation Preparation
Researching and understanding scientific articles
Literature Review
Verification & Validation Testing
SOP Preparation
Data Backup Management
Masters Courses
Medical Device Engineering Concentration
Fall 2021
ME 554 - Intro to Computer-Aided Design
ME 565 - Intro to Additive Manufacturing
ME 555 - Lean Six Sigma
ME 960 - Research in Mechanical Engineering
Spring 2021
BME 504 - Medical Instrumentation and Imaging
ME 660 - Medical Devices Manufacturing
ME 691 - Additive Manufacturing for Biological Systems
ME 695 - Biomedical Imaging: Principles and Methods
Fall 2020
ME 530 - Intro to Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
ME 540 - Validation in Life Sciences Manufacturing
ME 580 - Medical Devicec Design and Technology
ME 602 - Statistical Methods in Life Sciences Industries
Spring 2020
BME 556 - Advanced Biomechanics
ME 641 - Engineering Analysis I
ME 960 - Research in Mechanical Engineering
Fall 2019
ME 525 - Biomechanics​
ME 631 - Mechanical Vibrations I
ME 635 - Modeling and Simulation
ME 692 - Biomechanics of the Brain
Bachelors Courses
Research Track
Honors Program
Spring 2019
BME 480 - Physiological Modeling
BME 496 - Senior Project II
BME 497 - Mentored Research in BME
HON 355 - Biomedical Ethics (Honors)
MAT 205 - Linear Algebra: Theory and Applications
Fall 2018
ANT 246 - Climate Change and Society
BME 433 - BioInstrumentation Laboratory
BME 450 - Mass and Heat BioTransport
BME 473 - BioInstrumentation
BME 495 - Senior Project I
BME 497 - Mentored Research in BME
ENG 098 - Fundamentals of Engineering Review
ENG 099 - Senior Professional Seminar
TST 161 - Creative Design
Spring 2018
BME 333 - Physiological Systems Laboratory
BME 343 - Biomechanics
BME 350 - Biofluid Mechanics
BME 371 - Physiological Systems II
BME 497 - Mentored Research in BME
ENG 094 - Engineering Seminar IV
ENG 352 - Control Systems
Fall 2017
BIO 211 - Biology of the Eukaryotic Cell
BME 311 - Physiological Systems
BME 313 - Biomedical Instrumentation
BME 497 - Mentored Research in BME
CHE 331 - Organic Chemistry I
ENG 093 - Engineering Seminar III
ENG 342 - Advanced Engineering Math II
Spring 2017
AAS 270 - LGBTQ+ Communities of Color
BIO 201 - Foundations of Biological Inquiry
BME 323 - Introduction to Biomaterials
ELC 321 - Systems and Signals
MAT 229 - Multivariable Calculus
Fall 2016
BME 222 - Introduction to Mechanics
BME 251 - Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering
ENG 212 - Circuit Analysis
ENG 214 - Circuit Analysis Laboratory
ENG 272 - Advanced Engineering Math I
IDS 291 - Techniques of Tutoring I
Spring 2016
CSC 215 - Computer Science for Engineering
ENG 092 - Engineering Seminar II
HON 202 - General Chemistry II (Honors)
MAT 128 - Calculus B
PHY 202 - General Physics II
Fall 2015
ENG 091 - Engineering Seminar I
ENG 095 - Intro to Engineering
ENG 142 - Fundamentals of Engineering Design
FSP 163 - Gender & Cross-Dessing in Shakespeare
HON 201 - General Chemistry I (Honors)
MAT 127 - Calculus A
PHY 201 - General Physics I
Undergraduate Activities
Tau Beta Pi Member (Fall 2017-present), President (Spring 2018-Spring 2019)
Swing Dance Club Member (Fall 2015-Spring 2019), Secretary (Spring 2018-Spring 2019)
All College Theatre- House Manager/Assistant Set Designer for As You Like It, Assistant Stage Manager for A Murder Most Foul, Assistant Set Designer for Stop Kiss, Lead Set Designer for A Secret in the Wings, Assistant Production Manager for A Killing in King Arthur's Court, Assistant Costume Designer for Medea, Stage Manager for Room 216, Assistant Carpenter for Twelfth Night, Hair and Makeup Designer for Top Shelf, Assistant Set Designer for She Kills Monsters, Assistant Carpenter for Into The Woods, Stage Manager for There Shall be no Bottom.
IEEE and BMES Member (Fall 2015-present)
Golden Key Honors Society Member (Winter 2016-present)​
High School Activities
2013 and 2014 Jersey Shore Science Fair Health and Medicine Honorable Mention
Actor (2012-present), Assistant costume designer (2012-13), Head costume designer (2013-14), and Director (2014-15) of school plays
Competitive gymnast (2011-2015)
Special Olympics Bowling Volunteer (2011-12, 2014)
President of GLOW Club (2014-15)
Co-Drama Chair of Arts and Entertainment Club (2014-15)​